Thanks to dozens of collaborators across the University of Hawaiʻi System, an online, zero-cost textbook for two popular anatomy and physiology courses—Physiology 141 and 142—will replace the textbook that was used by almost 4,700 students during the last academic year for an estimated total savings of more than $433,000. The various textbooks currently used for these courses range in cost from $160 to $210. The new textbook is anticipated to be ready for fall 2023.
Kapiʻolani Community College Assistant Professor Sheryl Shook and former UH Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Hae Okimoto worked with 37 faculty, 11 of them co-authors, across all 10 UH campuses on the multi-year Online Educational Resource (OER) project.
Congratulations to Sheryl Shook, our Kapiʻolani CC faculty and staff, and the A&P team for making this vision become a reality.
See the full story here.

A&P OER Textbook Authors
Luria Namba
Lissandra Baldan Jenkins
Gabriel Peckham
Amanda Lee
Rachel Lindsey
Sheryl Shook
I-Chia Shih
Trenton Niemi
Jason Higa
Becca Romine
Joel Kaufmann
Instructional designers Youxin Zhang and Jamie Sickel and OER specialist LynleyShimat Lys are supporting the work.