We are proud to take part in the global Open Education Week 2018 events to encourage the awareness of OER and open textbooks among faculty and staff. All campuses within the University of Hawaii system are invited to participate in activities taking place at UHM.
All events listed below will take place Thursday, March 8th at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (UHM) campus.
Register for all sessions here: go.hawaii.edu/fkc
(click for downloadable/printable PDF)
Text-based Schedule
(Location: iLab)
Welcome Message and OER @ UH Primer
Bill Chismar (Dean, UHM Outreach College)
Billy Meinke (OER Technologist, UHM Outreach College)
The Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative at the University of Hawai’i is growing rapidly, with new adoption and adaptations of open textbooks and open courseware representing a shift towards a culture of sharing. This opening session will set the stage for the presentations and workshops for the day, and provide a glimpse into the innovative pedagogies and practices enabled through the adoption and reuse of OER at UH.
(Location: iLab)
Keynote: Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani (University Teaching Fellow in Open Studies and a Psychology Professor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, B.C., Canada)
Introduction by Bill Chismar
Higher education promises to be a vehicle for economic and social mobility; however, this promise increasingly goes begging as our institutions are structured to reinforce existing inequalities, with engagement, persistence, and achievement still closely tied to affordability. The oft-heard institutional claim to be student-centered is similarly hypocritical, as it is usually faculty, accreditation requirements, and budgetary constraints that dictate both the structure and content of the learning experience. It is against the backdrop of such paradoxes that open education practices have emerged as a transformational force in higher education. Open educational practices (OEP) encompass the creation, adaptation, and adoption of open educational resources, open course development, and even the design of renewable assignments where students are empowered as co-creators of knowledge. OEP represents a truly learner-centered approach to education that radically enhances both agency and access. This presentation will draw on a diverse set of examples to make a case for why the shift away from traditional (closed) practices is not only desirable but also inevitable, and how OEP support the modern university’s mission by serving both social justice and pedagogical innovation.
(Location: iLab)
Open Pedagogy Workshop
Rajiv Jhangiani
Traditional course assignments are usually “disposable” in that students work to produce a discrete artefact that will be seen by just their instructor. It is little surprise then that students struggle to see meaning in these types of assignments, which usually end up in the recycling bin. Faculty, on the other hand, take pains to provide meaningful, formative feedback that we often find has been retrieved and read by only a tiny fraction of our students. So what if we ditch the disposable assignment and instead harness our students’ energy, potential, and creativity to have them produce resources for the commons? This is the philosophy behind OER-enabled pedagogy. This hands-on workshop will equip participants with practical strategies and a suite of supporting resources with which to (re)design their course assignments. During this workshop participants will work collaboratively to generate and provide feedback on one another’s draft projects, which will themselves be shared as a public resource.
(Location: Courtyard of KUY101 Auditorium)
UHM OER Grantee Showcase and OER Petting Zoo
Join teams representing the 2017-2018 UHM OER grant projects as they share the outputs of their work: open textbooks and open courseware tailored to University of Hawai’i students! Think all OER are digital? Come take a look at real live print OER you can touch and hold. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
(Location: KUY101 Auditorium)
Panel: OER Adoptions and What It Takes To Go Open
Moderated by Bill Chismar
Opening Remarks by Jannah De La Cruz (ASUH President)
Deborah Halbert (Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs)
Alison Nugent (Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Science)
Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla (Assistant Professor, Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences)
Malia Lau Kong, Associate Professor (Windward Community College), History Department
OER lower barriers to access for students and encourage faculty innovation, but the adoption and adaptation of open textbooks is often more than a turnkey process. This panel will include reflections from faculty working on the ground level about their taking control of their OER instructional materials to provide valuable, equitable learning experiences for their students. Short presentations will be followed by a moderated Q&A session.
(Location: KUY101 Auditorium)
Looking Ahead with OER in the UH System
Billy Meinke
Wayde Oshiro (Head Librarian, Leeward Community College)
Sunny Pai (Digital Initiatives Librarian, Kapiolani Community College)
Beth Tillinghast (Digital Repositories Librarian, UH Mānoa)
With many successes on the books, and many more to come, this closing session will highlight the potential for OER to improve outcomes and provide a more equitable learning experiences for students throughout the UH system. Representatives from UH campuses that are leading the effort will share research findings, examples of impactful OER adoptions, and ideas of how OER can put control back into the hands of faculty and instructors everywhere.
Morning talks will take place in the UHM iLab (Building 37).
Afternoon sessions will take place in Kuykendall 101 Auditorium.
Contact oer@hawaii.edu with questions.