Open Textbooks

Open education work in Physiology 141 and 142 gets UH News attention

Thanks to dozens of collaborators across the University of Hawaiʻi System, an online, zero-cost textbook for two popular anatomy and physiology courses—Physiology 141 and 142—will replace the textbook that was used by almost 4,700 students during the last academic year for an estimated total savings of more than $433,000. The various textbooks currently used for these courses range in cost from $160 to $210. The new textbook is anticipated to be ready for fall 2023.

Kapiʻolani Community College Assistant Professor Sheryl Shook and former UH Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Hae Okimoto worked with 37 faculty, 11 of them co-authors, across all 10 UH campuses on the multi-year Online Educational Resource (OER) project.

Congratulations to Sheryl Shook, our Kapiʻolani CC faculty and staff, and the A&P team for making this vision become a reality.

See the full story here.

A&P OER Textbook Authors

Luria Namba
Lissandra Baldan Jenkins
Gabriel Peckham
Amanda Lee
Rachel Lindsey
Sheryl Shook
I-Chia Shih
Trenton Niemi
Jason Higa
Becca Romine
Joel Kaufmann

Instructional designers Youxin Zhang and Jamie Sickel and OER specialist LynleyShimat Lys are supporting the work.

Posted by Sunny Pai in OER

Botany in Hawaiʻi is the 1,000th title in the Open Textbook Library

Botany in Hawaiʻi, a textbook authored by Leeward Community College Assistant Professor Daniela Dutra Elliott and Lecturer Paula Mejia Velasquez was selected as the 1,000th title added to the Open Textbook Library, a highly regarded and popular website for open educational resources (OER). 

Each title in the Open Textbook Library has undergone a review process before inclusion in the collection. The addition of the 1,000th title is a significant milestone for the Library as it celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022. The selection of Botany in Hawaiʻi for this honor is a reflection of the quality of this textbook and the uniqueness of its content. 

The University of Hawaiʻi System is a consortial member of the Open Education Network, the organization managing the Open Textbook Library. The Network and its community of members across the US, Canada, and Australia have played an important role in the UH OER initiative through training opportunities, shared resources, and shared strategies, all of which have helped build our capacity to support local adoption, modification, and creation of OER like Botany in Hawaiʻi. 

Open Education Network press release

Daniela’s and Paula’s OER Journey for Botany in Hawaiʻi EMC blog post

Leeward CC OER Campus Committee website

Posted by Wayde Oshiro in OER

Botany in Hawaii Textbook Available

Congratulations to 2020 Leeward OER Creation Award (LOERCA) winners, Daniela Dutra Elliott and Paula Mejia Velasquez for creating, “Botany in Hawaii,” an OER textbook for Botany and Horticulture that focuses on the endemic flora of Hawai’i, where botany is bridged with the unique climate and geography of the islands. This textbook was created on the LibreTexts platform and will be used by Leeward students in BOT 101, BOT 130, and HORT 110. This was a tremendous accomplishment including original photos and illustrations. Mahalo to Daniela and Paula for publishing this unique textbook that is truly local and culturally relevant. Read about their OER journey below.

The following excerpts were originally posted in the Leeward CC Educational Media Center blog.

Daniela’s OER journey…

My experience developing OER has changed the way I teach and interact with learning materials. I teach classes in botany and agriculture and finding materials that are relevant for Hawai‘i can be a challenge. Teaching these subjects through local examples and incorporating content relevant to Hawai‘i makes learning more relevant to my students.

I started out by just wanting one of my classes to be textbook cost zero (TXT0), which meant the library purchased an electronic copy of the book I was using that students could access for free. This was the only book available for native Hawaiian plants and ecosystems. The main issue was the language used was not very accessible and most of my students were not using the materials. After attending an OER workshop sponsored by our library I got inspired to give OER a try. [Continue reading…]

Paula’s OER journey…

Creating our Botany OER textbook, “Botany in Hawaii,” has been quite an adventure, one that we hope will provide students with more relatable class materials and access to a more affordable education. In my case, I have converted all my classes to be textbook free for several years now by adopting OER textbooks. I got the inspiration for this from several of the OER workshops offered at Leeward CC. For several years I remixed and modified available OER materials from different sources to tailor them to the specific needs of each one of my classes. Given that there are not many OER Botany textbooks available, at one point I came to the realization that I was creating and modifying a considerable portion of the content instead of just mixing materials. [Continue reading…]

In addition to the LibreTexts platform, “Biology in Hawaii” is available in the UH OER and Leeward CC digital repositories. Learn more about the Leeward CC OER initiative at OER @ Leeward.

Posted by Wayde Oshiro in OER

Say it like you mean it: Describing revision and remixing of OER

In my new role as the OER Technologist for the UH Manoa campus, I’m charged with helping faculty adopt OER resources, primarily “open textbooks”. Without getting into the details of it, faculty at higher ed institutions in the U.S. find comfort and confidence in OER resources that are packaged as a textbook. Although we are trying to move away from using the term textbook to describe OER, it’s still a term that helps us have more productive conversations with faculty who are new to (or are skeptical about) OER. I’ll keep using it for now.

A building in Montreal that has been built upon

A building in Montreal that has been built upon / Image from Imgur (no creator shown)

But just as we use the term textbook to have productive conversations about adopting OER, I’ve been brainstorming ways to describe the adaptation, revision, and remixing ultimately necessary to cement the adoptions. The open license on an OER permits reuse and repurposing, without which faculty could not make the book their own; they can’t take the steps needed to mould the OER content into materials that will work with their teaching style and with their students. So what language should we be using?

It’s important to mention here that a great deal of OER reuse and revisions happen in the dark, in places where we don’t see what changes have actually been made to the OER. Could these changes benefit others who are re-using the same OER? Maybe. Or would the original creators of the OER want to see how their work is being remixed? Probably. Heck, they might even want to roll some of those changes back into the MASTER version of the OER. I wrote about a need for better version control (git) for content back in March, if you’re interested.

Part of my interest in sussing out useful language to describe reuse and remixing comes from my upcoming work with faculty on their OER adoptions, specifically scoping the editing/revision work they wish to do with the OER. Will this be an off-the-shelf adoption, or one that includes sweeping changes to the structure and content of the OER? Probably not the former. So let’s begin.

Revision and remixing

Here are some terms to begin with:

  • Revising: Altering the textual content or media in an OER
  • Adding: Including new (previously unlicensed) textual content or media in an OER
  • Remixing: Combining two or more existing OER

On the surface, the act of revising an OER seems like a lighter-duty task thanremixing, but as the amount of content to be revised grows (ie a 1300-page textbook), even revision can take a great deal of work. Revising OER includes activities such as editing the tone or voice of the content, removing or reordering sections, and moving topics between chapters or modules. When we revise OER, we’re primarily talking about changing individual pieces of existing OER content, not adding new content.

Once the existing OER has been squeezed and stretched to the limits of its usefulness, we add content. This comes in the form of including more local examples that explain concepts, adding links to supporting research or media content, and including activities that can extend the content – such as curation or constructive activities that benefit the world’s knowledge (such as improving a Wikipedia article or contributing a choral explanation to the content). Whether we are adding new instructional content to the OER, or including new activities that encourage students to produce knowledge, the addition of content is the step important to any OER adoption.

The third of three terms, I expect many OER adopters to be interested inremixing multiple OER into one (or a cohesive set of them) that works for them. Now, we can safely assume that most new OER included in the remix will require some sort of revision (and possibly addition of new content) before its ready to be incorporated into the whole. If the base OER (the content we begin with) needed some work before prime time, the other OER we include will probably need some reworking as well. Exceptions to this exist of course, as it’s not reasonable to expect we can (or need to) edit or modify every openly licensed video, simulation, or research article we remix into our OER. But when we remix multiple OER, a certain amount of revision should be expected to help it “fit” into the base content.

Say it like you mean it

What this leads me to believe is that the more clearly we can describe the work needed to adopt OER, the fewer surprises and bumps in the road we’ll encounter. Instructional faculty have been reusing full-copyrighted instructional and research content without permission for decades, moreso since the mid-90’s when the Web made it dead simple to copy and share. And if they did revise or remix that content, it was done behind closed doors and in most cases never saw the light of day, for fear of legal issues, or simply because there was no reason to document it.

Now that we have explicit rights to reuse and repurpose content, we should be actively working to use language that describes OER activities. OER adoptions can include a great deal of work, and better tracking and describing of the work that goes into an OER adoption would go along way to support others who are considering working with OER.

Just as the Mozilla Science Lab has been working on badges that show who, what, and how folks have contributed to a published research paper, I’d to give credit to those who adapt OER and open the doors for all sorts of neat things to happen. Once we can better describe all the steps and work needed for successful adoptions, we can begin to look at giving credit to those who do the work. Now that sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

*This writing was originally published on and reposted here under the CC BY license.

Posted by Billy Meinke in OER