What is TXT0?

Textbook Cost Zero (TXT0) is a way to identify courses that do not require students to pay for a textbook or related learning materials. This includes things like textbook rentals, i-clickers, and other software licenses, but does not include lab fees or other consumable materials (eg art supplies) costs.

TXT0 courses often replace an expensive required textbook with an OER textbook or with resources accessed through UH libraries.

Why is TXT0 course marking being implemented UH?

Improved transparency around the cost of course materials means that students can make better informed decisions about the courses they take. TXT0 marking began at UHM during summer sessions in 2016, and expanded systemwide in 2019 to help all UH students.

Will moving to TXT0 or adopting an OER improve student success?

Yes, using no-cost resources in courses lowers barriers to success for all of your students, leading to improved completion and passing rates and an overall improved student experience.

Who is responsible for reporting that a course is TXT0?

The instructor of record is responsible for indicating that a course is TXT0, as they choose the textbook and materials for their courses.

How do I find TXT0 courses?

There are three ways you can find TXT0 courses.

First, TXT0 courses can be found by visiting the TXT0 course list on this website. This list can be filtered by semester, campus, subject, and delivery mode.

Second, you can search for TXT0 courses in STAR when registering for classes. You can check the Textbook cost $0 and the search will return only results for courses that have no textbook cost.

Third, you can find TXT0 courses when browsing the course availability at your campus. TXT0 courses will have a marker visible near other designations such as Writing Intensive (WI) and Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues (HAP).

The images below show the lists and markings for TXT0 courses.

Are TXT0 courses available at UHCC campuses?

Yes, and more information about TXT0 and the OER initiative can be found on the UHCC OER website.

This video from Kapiolani Community College demonstrates the three methods for finding TXT0 courses in a brief walk-through.

For more information

Please email oer@hawaii.edu or reach out to the OER lead at your campus.